Ann Matsevych : Pumpkin show was in the Бериславський педагогічний коледж імені В.Ф. Беньковського . Students were in very nice, interesting, terrible costumes and made so perfect makeup.
Concert was very interesting. We danced , sang , watched videos and played with students. I got a lot of fun, good mood and energy. Don’t be afraid of performing on the stage.
I listened some interesting and exciting information about zombies, ghost, witches and of course about our Ukrainian participants : cabbage, potato, onions and corn. Guys, it was very nice show.
Thank you a lot
#bpcbpc #girls #mood #happiness #halloween #ghosh #dracula #catage#pumpkin
Zhanna Galustyan, викладач іноземної філології :
Students thanks a lot! Acting, costumes, emotions and your smiles!You prepared this evening, you made our mood better! Thank you teachers and students! You were great!!!! –